Friday 9 December 2016


Hello ‘ALLURING’ people, hope you all are doing well. I am super excited to share this post with you today. By now, you guys must be aware of my love for ‘charcoal’. But now I am going to talk about detoxification of our skin. The skin is body’s largest organ, and it is constantly in contact with the elements. Pollutants and dirt are constantly doing their job and result is- getting clogs on pores and complexion suffer. Hey, relax!!!! Do not jump into imagining anything worse. Detoxification may seem daunting, but a few changes to your diet and skin care routine can brighten your skin and will give you flawless beauty (like the celebs you admire). Follow these simple tips:

1.    Clean the skin daily with a detoxifying cleanser.

2.     Boil some ginger with 3-4 tablespoon of salt and add this mixture to the water you are going to use for shower.

3.    Start eating organic food.

4.    I know it’s been a tiring day but don’t you dare to rest that lazy ass without removing your makeup in the night

5.    You people are fully aware about the benefits of drinking water and I don’t think that you need someone to tell you this constantly( am I hearing a yes?)

n Now, i would like to introduce you with one of the most amazing product to detoxify your skin. Yes, you guessed it right..its 'Activated charcoal'. Putting charcoal on your skin might not seem glamorous but i am suggesting you to adopt it for the sake of goodness of your skin. charcoal absorbs the toxins from your skin and thus reflects a younger looking flawless skin. There are many ways in which you can use it which I am gonna share with you later...have patience and follow up the rest of the tips. Till happy and be ALLURING. 

1 comment:

  1. good give updates regularly..its beneficial for maintaining the glow of skin..
